Sleeper cab trucks have been around for years, providing drivers with a place to sleep on their long-haul trips. However, the standard sleeper cab has been fairly narrow and cramped. Some manufacturers are working to change that, with extended sleeper cabs or “big bunk” trucks, which offer larger bunks and more space to move around, increasing driver comfort. Here are some of the benefits and drawbacks of big bunk trucks, so you can decide if they’re the best option for you.

Pro: More Space

You get much more room in a big bunk truck, thanks to the improved designs that many popular truck manufacturers are offering. No more scrunching up and trying to fit into a tiny space on a narrow bunk! Big bunk sleepers have tall ceilings, more floor space, and larger mattresses than their smaller counterparts.

Pro: Extra Amenities

Big bunk trucks tend to have much more luxurious amenities and cool features, including washer/dryer units, heating and cooling systems, full bathrooms, stovetops, microwaves, mini fridges, flat-screen televisions, and storage areas. All of these amenities will help you feel more at home on the road while increasing your comfort. If you’re more comfortable, you’ll get better rest and you’ll be more productive the next day.

Con: Higher Cost

A standard sleeper cab will cost thousands of dollars less than an extended sleeper cab, due to the extra space and amenities in the big bunk truck. So if budget is a huge concern for you, it may not be economical to purchase a big bunk truck right now. However, if you have the money for it and want to prioritize comfort, then the cost may not matter.

Con: More Weight

Due to the additional amenities in a big bunk truck, you won’t be able to haul quite as much cargo as you would with a standard sleeper bed. Some models may have very lightweight amenities included, or you may be able to customize your big bunk truck to have exactly what you need and nothing more, reducing the total overall weight.

When you’re ready to buy a new or used big bunk truck, visit one of our two Minnesota dealerships or three Iowa dealerships to see what we have in stock. GATR Truck Center is proud to serve our customers in Minnesota and Iowa.